The FoliArduino system will record both air and soil temperature and humidity as well as the incoming shortwave radiation (visible and near infrared) at the tree level. The device will measure meteorological variables at a high temporal resolution of 15 minutes, but will also take pictures of the canopy every 30 minutes during the day….
Lach circuit — auto wake-up/sleep
I present here the part of the circuit I am using to power up/down the Arduino every 15 minutes. This circuit is adapted from Rui Santos’ original work that you can find here: The RTC-DS3231 module (J1 on the figure) and the Aduino MEGA PRO (J2) are both powered by a 6V battery (with a…
T-type thermocouple for bud temperature monitoring
Because plant organs absorb and radiate energy, bud temperature substantially differs from air. Here, I present an homemade thermocouple and Arduino shield that I created for monitoring bud temperature in the field. The list of components for this project can be found at the end of the post. Type-T thermocouple A thermocouple is an electrical device…
Waterproof your installation
Your device will spend some time in the field. Here are listed a few tips to ensure it will survive humidity: Use outdoor waterproof electrical hard-case and connectors (IP66/67/68) Apply a conformal coating on your circuits. Several types of coatings are available, ranging from silicon spray to epoxy resin. ❗ ❗ ❗ Be careful not…