Waterproof your installation

Your device will spend some time in the field. Here are listed a few tips to ensure it will survive humidity:

  1. Use outdoor waterproof electrical hard-case and connectors (IP66/67/68)
  2. Apply a conformal coating on your circuits. Several types of coatings are available, ranging from silicon spray to epoxy resin. ❗ ❗ ❗ Be careful not to cover your sensors with the resin ❗ ❗ ❗
  3. Add silica gel in your hard-case. Silica gel absorb water so you can control the humidity level in your installation. Several types of silica gel exist, but I recommend to use one with a moisture indicator that gradually changes its color (orange/blue) when it transitions from dry to wet. Once wet, silica gel can be dried again and regenerated (e.g. in a oven).